09 August 2011

A Writer In Progress: Notes from the Right side of my brain

This is random … but thoughts can be unpredictable.
The honorable Toni Morrison once said that:
Every life to me has a rhythm, a shape—there are dips and curves as well as straighaways.  You can’t see the contours all at once.  Some very small incident that takes place today may be the most important event that happens to you this year, but you don’t know that when it happens.  You don’t know it until much later.
                  I like rhythm even though at times the beat may be off and I find myself dancing without affinity to the music—music of life.  I am unable to get a groove going.
                  I like colors and curves—my mood often determines the colors and shapes I feel and see around me.  I want my work to have rhythm, color, and curves, reflecting the variations in one’s life. My life is varied. It moves differently from day to day.  Sometimes it's blue, supple, and melodic. Sometimes red, voluptuous, and staccato. At other times grey, linear, and B-flat. The saying which goes something like, sometimes awful things have their own kind of beauty exemplifies the kind of grace that can be found in a chaotic experience.  I want to keep those things in mind when I am writing about character, place, situation.  I want an R&B flavor to my writing but I don’t want to ignore all the other genres of shades and appearances that can describe how life is.